Smoking Stinks. 
And not just in an olfactory sense. 
Tobacco is an intensely addictive and harmful substance. 
According to the CDC, tobacco use harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases and reduces overall health. Each year one in five deaths in the United States are due to tobacco. It is the leading cause of preventable disease and death causing more deaths than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries and firearm related injuries combined.  
image source: cdc.ogv
The tobacco industry aggressively targets youth and African Americans.  Dave Goerlitz, lead Winston model for seven years for R.J. Reynolds states that when asked why he didn’t smoke, an R.J. Reynolds executive responded:

“We don’t smoke that s_ _ _. We just sell it. We reserve the right to smoke for the young, the poor, the black and stupid.”

Low down, dirty… evil!

Tobacco education advocate Frankie Poland, of the Southern University Ag Center sums it up well:

“They sell. We buy. We die.” 

This can and must change.
Quitting is hard, very hard.  
Quitting is possible. 
With God all things are possible.
If you use tobacco.  You can quit! Pray and reach out for help.  
Louisiana residents who began their smoking habit before September 1, 1988  are eligible for a free smoking cessation program funded by the SmokingCessation Trust.  Call (855) 259-6346 for more information.
Smokers who started tobacco use after September 1, 1988 can contact the State Quit Line  or call  1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) to connect with trained coaches for help.
I’m praying for all in bondage to tobacco addiction. You can quit.  You can be free. 

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