
America Has a Heart Problem

Fact:  America has a heart problemHeart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States (causing 1 of every 4 deaths).Every year about 715,000 Americans have a heart attack.67 million American adults (31%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3...

Medals for Miles with the Consistency Club

The human body is not designed to sit hours upon hours per day – yet our jobs, schools, modes of entertainment etc. promote large scale inactivity. Medical researchers declare “Sitting is the New Smoking” as studies indicate a sedentary lifestyle not...

Running Safely

I enjoy the solitude of running alone and in the past, whenever my schedule allowed and hankerin hit – I’d get dressed, gear up, throw on my headphones, running shoes and hit the road.  Having moved to Louisiana from Chicago, I had a false sense of security and...

FAQ: What’s the best form of aerobic exercise?

COMMON FITNESS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:Q:What’s the best form of aerobic exercise?A: Any form of steady exercise will be effective, in health terms, provided that it uses large muscle groups and can be sustained over time, preferably 30 to 45 minutes....
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