
5 Days – 6.5 Pounds = An Aha Moment

Today is a good day.Cheeeeese!  (LOL)After a period of feeling fluffy, with a few simple changes I’m feeling stronger, longer, leaner and lighter.  The scale agrees. The loss is good, but moreover, I’m excited about a learning gained (or...

Going back to Run the City with Soul

I’m in!  Just finished registering for my 4th race of 2013 – the Biggest Loser RunWalk Half Marathon  in Jackson, Mississippi.  I ran their inaugural Jackson 15k in 2012 and had an amazing time.   Race recap here.  ...

Book Recommendation – Never Goin’ Back

I <3 Al Roker. He’s smart, candid, likeable and witty as all get out.   Those traits shine in his book Never Goin’ Back: Winning the Weight-loss Battle for Good.  I picked it up yesterday in Barnes and Noble, (along with a half dozen other health and...

My Reset

On July 30th I made the following public proclamation…on facebook:My heart is fixed, my mind’s made up! I will no longer settle for less than what God has planned and made possible for me.Not with my level of intimacy with Him.Not in the shape or condition of my...
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