{Recipe} Roasted Brussels Sprouts

{Recipe} Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Beautiful right!?! Brussels sprouts are part of the highly healthy cruciferous vegetable family. 1 cup provides the RDA of Vitamin K, Vitamin C, 2 g fiber and 3 g protein in only 38 calories. Brussels sprouts have been found to support vision and bone health, have...

{Recipe} Vegan Chili

It was the last day of spring, 82 degrees here in Louisiana, I was in the mood for chili.Actually, it could be 92 degrees in the middle of July and if chili called, I’d answer.  I heart chili and enjoy it all year long.  Chili con carne with beans...

Healthy Eating in Seven Words

In his book, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto,  activist and award-winning food author Michael Pollan sums up healthy eating in 7 simple and liberating words.  “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”Eat Food:  According to Pollan, “most...
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