
I suspect I’m a bit insane.. my next fitness program will be INSANITY: THE ASYLUM.

Here are the deets:

INSANITY: THE ASYLUM is the first in-home sports-specific training program based on drills used by pro athletes. It’s an insanely intense 30-day program, that combines MAX Interval Training with progressive sports to help spike your speed, coordination, agility, strength, and power.
OK – Who is this program for?
  1. People in top physical shape who want to take their results to the next level
  2. Graduates of INSANITY, P90X, and other advanced fitness programs
  3. Athletes and former athletes who want to improve or recapture their performance, no matter their sport or game
  4. People who are tired of traditional cardio and aren’t seeing results anymore
  5. Cardio lovers like runners, spinners, or cyclists
  6. People who want to achieve rapid, dramatic improvement in their fitness

1 and 2.  Not me…
3. Does wanna be athlete count?
4. Partially true
5 and 6. Definitely apply
Beginners; pregnant women; children; people who aren’t willing to work hard; people with back, neck, joint, or other injuries; or people who don’t consistently do high-impact exercise.

I’m not in the not definition.  All considered, I’m guessing I may possibly be able to partially hang… (gotta work on confidence before I start).

More details.  The kit Includes:

  • 6 Intense Workouts:Speed & Agility,Vertical Plyo, ReliefStrengthBack to Core and Game Day
  • Sports-inspired training tools:Agility Ladder, Speed Rope, ASYLUM Workout Calendar, Guide Playbook and a Get Shredded Nutritional Plan
There are 2 free bonus dvds: Sports Performance Assessment and one called Overtime 
The intensity looks scary exciting.  This will be my 1 hr per day Biggest Loser Ranch experience in a dvd.  It is only 30 days.  I figure I can suffer… I mean struggle…I mean power thru that long.

I’m in.  Going to start the 2nd week of June.  Wanna join me?

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